
Solutions That Save

The technology solutions presented in this Toolkit have the potential to help Tulare County and other regions in the state of California build drought resilience more quickly and cost-effectively than centralized water and wastewater infrastructure improvements alone. These technologies aim to save water, energy and provide greenhouse gas emission reductions.


Drought Resilient Technologies

A wide variety of technology solutions are available today that can quickly put the State on a path to drought resilience. Retrofits or expansions of municipal water and wastewater infrastructure typically require multiple years to plan, finance, design and construct. On the other hand, many customer-side water-efficient technologies can be implemented within a fraction of the time and cost because they are much smaller in scale and complexity, and often do not require long lead time (multi-year) environmental permits.

Technology Solutions for Nitrates

Nitrate accumulation is of significant concern to the long-term sustainability of Tulare County since groundwater is the region's primary water supply source and many domestic wells in Tulare exceed safe drinking water standards.


Photo credit: Tractor spraying fertilizer, iStock 98732175
Photo credit: Tractor spraying fertilizer, iStock 98732175