Porifera – Wastewater Treatment

Porifera’s wastewater treatment system extracts water from waste streams, concentration the waste for disposal and providing potable water for reuse. The dprShield uses a high-resolution dye monitoring and a reverse pressure barrier to provide unprecedented contaminant detection and removal.

6. Porifera Wastewater


Electric Benefit

  • Commercial

  • Industrial

  • Energy Efficiency

    (Reduces kWh)

Water Benefits

  • Increases Water Supply

  • Recycles Water

Technology Readiness

  • Commercially Available

How Does It Work

  • one@2x

    Waste stream flows past a semipermeable membrane with saline draw solution on the other side.

  • two@2x

    By osmosis, water flows out of the waste solution and into the draw solution.

  • three@2x

    A high-resolution dye monitoring system detects if any contaminants pass the semipermeable membrane and shuts the system down if they do.

Related Case Studies

6. Porifera Wastewater MAIN PICTURE

Wastewater Reuse

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